December 17, 2016
(click / tap the log entry photos(s) below for more photos and the rest of the story)
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Depart Panama and fly to Lima, Peru.

Up at 5:30 AM. Had some salami and cheese on bread, a half an orange, and some coffee and tea for breakfast. After packing our belongings, we met Aidan promptly at 6:30, who gave us a ride to the airport to catch our plane to Lima, Peru. The check-in and security lines were long, having only minutes to spare before boarding the plane.

Three and a half hours later, we landed at Lima International Airport. Customs and picking up our bags was quick. It was when we were leaving the terminal that we had a small hitch. We had to run our bags through an x-ray machine, to which the Peruvian officials discovered an orange and a small bag of carrots in Peggy's bag. We had not gotten around to eating them on the plane and had forgotten they were there. The officials confiscated them and we then allowed to embark on our Peruvian adventure.

A taxi had been arranged to pick us up at the airport, drive us to the Jose Antonio Hotel to drop off our bags, and then to the local museum to rendezvous with our "Oats Adventure Tour (OAT)" group at the local museum. Old paintings and artifacts dating back hundreds and thousands of years ago were on display at a cathedral we visited. Photography was not allowed. My favorite part of the tour were the catacombs, where literally thousands of people were buried and entombed over the centuries.

The tour group consisted of 12 people from different parts of the United States, including Peggy and me. Together, with a guide, we would be traveling to Machu Picchu, the Galapagos, and various locales over the next two weeks.

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Log entries... Panama: day 1 ||| Peru: day 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ||| Ecuador: day 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16