July 4: to Waterton National Park

Continued on Highway 3 over Crowsnest Pass and through the plains of Alberta. Highway 3 junctions with 6 south to Waterton NP, but we decided to take a 50km detour to visit the Head Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Interpretive Center. It was on the map and with a name like that, I was curious.

Then we headed south through the plains and towering wind turbines until we could once again see the Rockies in the distant haze.

Waterton NP is the sister park to Glacier National Park in the U.S. We stayed in an campground in the small touristy town of Waterton Townsite . We hiked about 3km around Cameron Lake and next to Akamina Lake-- and saw some more wildlife-- including some we hadn't seen yet.

June 28 | 29 | 30 || July 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


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