April 22, 2014
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He did make it. Of course, the ride back down makes it worth it -or- you and your two-wheeler can get a lift to the top and coast 38 miles downhill to the coast. For years it was quite the rage: watch the sunrise and cruise back down. On any given day, as many as 1,000 cyclists would clog the roads on their descents. Residents who needed to use the narrow Upcountry roads for getting to work were forced to slow to a crawl. There were also accidents involving people who hadn't been on a bicycle in years, or the weather was bad, with fog cutting visibility to near zero. Ambulance calls for injured cyclists became weekly occurrences. Then two cyclists died in 2007 and Haleakala National Park suspended all bicycle tour operations. Currently, such downhill tours are now only allowed to start at the park boundary 10 miles from the summit... and costs $100.
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