April 21, 2014
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There was tropical flora all right, Guava trees and groves of eucalyptus. But it was not 'breezy', it was windy and wet… not rainy wet, but heavy, wet fog blowing over the ridgelines strong enough to blow you over if not careful. And the trail itself… slick, clay dirt challenging you to find a foothold not only to clamber up, but to hike down and not slip and slide down the precipitous ridgeline on your rear. So panoramic views of "gorges, pleated valleys, and cascading waterfalls" were not visible. But we did it… all the way to the top and, carefully, back. Also part of the day's plan was to drive counter-clockwise the narrow-in-places perimeter road around, what I like to call, the West Maui Peninsula. Not on that day… road construction. So we backtracked and drove clockwise instead… through busy, touristy, trafficky Lahaina. It was worth it… got to see the blowhole on the northern-most point of Maui. |
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Log entries: April 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
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