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Waterfalls and a Butterfly


Phantom Ship

Crater Lake

Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrels

Castle in the Crater


Mount Scott

Wizard Island


Cleetwood Cove Trail

June 14/15, 2015
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  "Often mistaken for chipmunks, the Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel has a black and white striped back and brown head. The stripes do not extend onto the head like they do on chipmunks. They are quite common in the area and", according to an informational sign, "may appear tame", as in being encouraged by humans stopping by and tossing edible morsels their way... >>>
  Crater Lake Map | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
--Log entries:
--June 8/9, Lake Tahoe | 10 Pyramid Lake | 11 Lake Almanor | 12 Mt Lassen / Burney Falls | 13 Mt Shasta | 14/15 Crater Lake
--Travelogue Home Page |