June 11, 2015
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At the north end of Lake Almanor is a peninsula that extends south to a point near the center. There is a road that follows its perimeter... a road that takes you to a gated community of million-dollar homes and a well-tended country club. When I came up to the gate, I politely asked the lady in charge if I could ride through. "Well, I don't think a guy on a bicycle is going to cause any problems, right? she replied. I smiled and assured her I wouldn't. Here's my two-wheeler parked at the peninsula's point looking south. |
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Lake Almanor Map | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Log entries: |
June 8/9, Lake Tahoe | 10 Pyramid Lake | 11 Lake Almanor | 12 Mt Lassen / Burney Falls | 13 Mt Shasta | 14/15 Crater Lake |
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