June 6, 2013
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Sheep are a very common sight in the countryside of Great Britain. I have seen very few cows here and even lesser horses. Sheep are everywhere. Peggy and I had the good forturne to wake up and look out our 2nd story window to see one of the reasons sheep are important in Great Britain...

Warwick Castle is a medieval castle developed from an original built by William the Conqueror in 1068… of wood. It was then rebuilt in stone in the 12th century. Let's see… it was used as a stronghold until the early 17th century when it was granted to Sir Fulke Greville by James I in 1604. Sir Fulke Greville converted it to a country house. It was owned by the Greville family, who became earls of Warwick in 1759, until 1978 when it was bought by the Tussauds Group… and so on.

Despite its history, it is now a tourist attraction in the town of Warwick. Six pounds to park, 22 pounds each to get in (not counting any extra pounds to see extra features like the castle dungeon), seven pounds to split an 11 inch hotdog, a bag of chips and a water. Despite the money-making tourist show/school field trip things going on, it was cool exploring the castle…

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