FED across the U.S.

Santee, CA to Picacho Peak State Park, 60 miles west of Tucson, AZ on Interstate 10: 378 miles

Not a lot to see traveling through the southern deserts of California: varities of desert brush, rocks and sand. We climbed to over 4,000 feet passing through the Cleveland National Forest and the Imperial Valley.

To escape the tedium of the freeway driving, we took highway 98 which parallels Interstate 8 closer to the border with Mexico. This road also takes you through Calexico on the U.S. side, a major border crossing town into Mexicali on the Mexico side... where you can also see lots of border patrol vehicles and flood lights along the infamous wall, designed primarily to keep illegal immigrants from crossing over from Mexico.


Travel commentary: June 10 | 11 | 12

CA | AZ | NM | TX | LA | MS | AL | FL

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