FED across the U.S.


Yesterday along Interstate 8 to Picacho Peak State Park, we began to notice a few Saguaro (Suh-wah-row) cactus along the road. When I think of a classic desert scene, the Saguaro is always part of the picture. We were entering the northern part of the Sonoran Desert... which ranges from southern Arizona, through northern Mexico and across the Gulf of California in Baja.

There were lots of Saguaro at Picacho Peak State Park, as well as Chainfruit Chollo cactus... which Layla had a painful experience with. Spiney, sticky and hard to remove, Layla had unwittingly trotted through some of the offending cactus. She was unable to move as the sticky spines became embedded on and in her paws and lower belly. The Chollo is not easy to remove, as it could be plucked out in mostly pieces. It took a pair of regular pliers, some needle-nosed pliers, and tweezers to free Layla. She survived and so did we, having to pluck a few spines from ourselves during the ordeal.


Other 'notable' events from yesterday: Old westerns, gunfights, the OK Corral... yeah, there it was on the map. So we headed south on Highway 83, east on 82 and south on 80 to the city of Tombstone. It's all there.. to cater to the tourist who wants to spend money on the reenactment of the famous shootout at the OK Corral, take a stagecoach ride, etc.


Picacho Peak State Park to Roper Lake State Park: 251 miles

Peggy is the navigator; I'm the pilot. Neither one of us care for freeway driving. We like to see where that road goes...

Travel commentary: June 13 |

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