November 7, 2019
(click / tap the photos to advance)
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Gauchito Gil, the rest of the story... He was eventually caught hiding in a forest, where he was hung from his feet and tortured over a fire outside the village of Mercedes. When a police sergeant was about to execute him, Gauchito Gil said to him, "You are going to kill me now, but you will arrive in Mercedes tonight at the same time as a letter of my pardon. In the letter they will also tell you that your son is dying of a strange illness. If you pray and beg me to save your child, I promise you that he will live. If not, he will die." The sergeant laughed and responded, "I don't care," and killed Gauchito Gil by slitting his throat. When the sergeant returned to his village, he found a soldier there with a letter of pardon for Gil. The letter also said that the sergeant's son was very ill and on the brink of dying. Frightened, the sergeant prayed to Gauchito Gil for his son to be saved. The next day, his son was inexplicably cured; Gauchito Gil had healed the son of his murderer. Very grateful, the sergeant gave Gil's body a proper burial, and in his honor built a shrine in the form of a red cross. Moreover, he tried to let everybody know about the miracle.

To this day, people pray and build roadside shrines throughout Argentina in hopes that Gauchito Gil will fulfill their requests. Above is one of those shrines... where we were given a strip of red ribbon to tie to the shrine in honor of Gauchito Gil and perhaps make a request...

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