November 3, 2019
(click / tap the log entry photos(s) below for more photos and the rest of the story)
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Agostini Sound - Aguila and Condor Glaciers

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Took a tour of the engine room, big Mercedes Benz diesels generating 1600 horsepower. Something to do because we didn’t go on the morning excursion to see the Aguila Glacier and a waterfall. Cold, windy, rainy and all seen from the zodiac with no landfall. Good decision, we agreed, as those who partook came back on the boat quite cold and drenched. We did, however, go on the afternoon excursion, where we able to land and walk onto a stony beach during a low tide. We walked along the edge and turned into an inlet where the immense Condor Glacier was revealed… and the closer we got, the more immense it became.

Oh, and have to mention the kingfisher we saw along the way. I was hanging back from the group taking photos, when I noticed everyone suddenly freeze. One member of the group slowly turned back to me motioning to be quiet, then pointing to a tree above the beach…

Quick Photo Links: to Condor Glacier | Ringed Kingfisher | P and V at the Condor Glacier

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