10-16-07: Should not...


I am humbled by all the notes and cards of concern and well wishes. I am compelled to respond...

Riding a bicycle has its advantages and disadvantages. Using it as a mode of transportation and conveyance to assorted adventures, the bicycle has given me the fitness and vitality to live and experience life to its fullest. But I share the road with tons of metal and rubber rolling down the pavement much faster than me, controlled by those who should or should not be driving. I am the victim of a "should not."

Fortunately, I was wearing a helmet or I would not be writing to you now. Fortunately, I have a strong network of friends and family to help me heal... and an amazing and formidable wife who has and will continue to oversee my physical and mental recovery from this unfortunate event.

I'm not sure when I'll be back in action. I was busted up pretty good, but my fitness level is high and will help me to indeed come back. Right now, though, I'm just taking it one day at a time..


Log entries:

10-16-07: Should not | 10-30-07: Update | 11-2-07: Perspective | 11-6-07: Helplessness | 11-9-07: X-rays
11-13-07: Mr. CrankyPants | 11-16-07: Emails | 11-20-07: What would you do? | 11-25-07: ...and Joe
12-3-07: From one second to the next | 12-18-07: Down the metaphorical road | 1-10-08: Relevant "R" words
1-28-08: Mowing the lawn | 2-12-08: Stamina and the little things | 2-25-08: About the bike |
3-17-08: Stones in the Sand | 6-9-08: Immortality and beyond
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