A student of mine came to visit a second time early in my stay at the resort and, knowing my penchant for riding bicycles, produced this bike bell. "I know what you need," he said as he pulled a phillips head screwdriver from his pocket and affixed the bell to my wheelchair. From that day forward I would ring the bell rolling down hallways and entering the therapy room. "So where's my ice cream," some would say. Whatever the comment, the bell always produced a smile and a wave... even from those most oblivious to the world around them. One particular woman, who never wanted to cooperate with anyone, even reached out with her hand one day as I was passing/ringing through. I stopped and got close enough for her to reach the bell. Despite her weak and shakey hand, she was able to pull its toggle and produce a ring. And for the first time, as those around had observed, she smiled...