July 1: Hobuck Beach, a bald eagle and the Hoh Rainforest

Just south from Cape Flattery within the Makah Indian Reservation is Hobuck Beach, with a campground, RV hookups and a strong wifi connection. Peggy, Layla and I went for a cool walk along the beach in the morning. Having a penchant for taking pics of things in, around, and on the sand, I have noticed that every beach has its own stuff to find. From the reservation we had to backtrack along Highway 112 to eventually get back on Highway 101 to go south... when Peggy saw the bald eagle perched on a rock in the shallow surf near the road. I quickly pulled over and got my closest shots of our national bird. And the Hoh Rainforest... worth the 20 miles off the main road to see...

Hobuck Beach | bald eagle | Hoh Rainforest


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