
June 11, 2006: FedEx uses the same vehicle in its road delivery fleet. Hence, the dubbed moniker, Fed. The Roadtrek RS is the latest (and coolest) design in the Roadtrek series. It's powered by a Mercedes Benz diesel and has all the amenities: toilet, shower, microwave, propane stove, refrigerator, coffee maker, queen-size bed, and a flat panel w/DVD player... It's parked at Folsom Lake SRA campground near Sacramento. Folsom Lake was the start of my intended ride to the top of Carson Pass (8,560').

Route: Folsom Lake > along the bike path to Green Valley Road > right on El Dorado Hills Rd > which turns into Latrobe Rd past Highway 50 > 15-20 miles and turn left on Old Sacramento Rd > Cross Highway 49 at Plymouth and continue on Fiddletown Rd. > to Shake Ridge Rd > east on Highway 88 to Carson Pass. Distance: 100 miles.

to Carson Pass 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6


Introduction | Climb to Cherry Lake | Climb to Carson Pass | Climb to Sonora Pass | Carson/Dagget/Carson/Carson Spur

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